Chickpea cultivation was originally reserved for private use, but has become increasingly professional over the last 15 years.
Chickpeas are rich in vegetable protein, starch (complex carbohydrates), vitamins and minerals. It is also low in fat and cholesterol-free, making it an excellent alternative to meat. From a nutritional point of view, it’s one of the most interesting legumes.

Rich in vegetable proteins

Chickpeas are widely recognized for their many health benefits. In addition to promoting satiety and intestinal transit, it is a major ally in the maintenance of cardiovascular health, and also contributes to the prevention of many medical conditions. What’s more, it’s an excellent source of vegetable protein, making it an interesting alternative to animal-based foods.

Cardiovascular health

A study in animals with hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol) revealed that eating a diet containing chickpeas for 16 days raised total blood cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels compared with controls. The researchers believe that chickpeas could be one of the foods recommended for people with low blood cholesterol levels. It should also be noted that consumption of legumes generally has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Impact on intestinal flora

Animal studies have shown that eating chickpeas for a month increases the number of bifidobacteria (beneficial bacteria in the large intestine). The beneficial effects of these bacteria include protecting against colon cancer, reducing the activity of harmful bacteria, promoting the absorption of certain nutrients such as calcium, and supporting the immune system. One explanation for chickpeas’ effect on the growth of beneficial bacteria could be the presence of resistant starch. As its name suggests, this type of starch resists digestion and can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Diabetes control

Several animal and human studies have shown that consumption of chickpeas produces a lower glycemic response (blood sugar level) than that caused by wheat-based foods and milk casein. This property makes it a beneficial food for those who suffer from diabetes and need to avoid blood sugar spikes.

Excellent source of dietary fibre

All legumes are excellent sources of fiber. Dietary fiber is found only in plant products and contains many substances that are not digested by the body. Like all legumes, chickpeas are rich in dietary fiber.
Cooked chickpeas contain 4 g per 125 ml (1/2 cup) serving. Diets rich in fiber from a variety of sources are associated with a lower risk of colon cancer, and can help control appetite by making you feel full faster.
The latter property is beneficial for weight management.

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